What happened when a town removed fluoride from its water

3 days ago

Fluoride never helped my teeth, I had major cavities my whole life. By the age of 55 I had my remaining teeth yanked out and had to get prosthetic teeth that I don't even wear in public, I only use them when I am going to eat. Two years ago I had to go to the hospital to treat broken humerus Bone. In my hast to go to the hospital, I forgot to bring my falsies and had to eat toothless while in the hospital, not good.
Do you know which country was first to use Fluoride? Nazi Germany was the first and they used it to dumb down their own citizens. It was a weapon then, and still is until today.
The Nazi's also were the first to use 5G, they used 5G as crowd control in the 1940's. Everything that Nazi's ever made was turned into a weapon of some kind that our governments still use on it's own citizens, period.

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