🔥 The Guardian of the Threshold 🔥

9 days ago

Hello Everyone! I hope you are well! I am doing well and happy this video is completed and ready to go. In this video I talk about the Asura and how it is directly related to what I found in the book by Rudolf Steiner, "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and it's Attainment: Consciousness, Dream life and Initiation". Page 77 & 78 "The Guardian of the Threshold" I do a reading from this book from those pages and did my best to talk about this subject in regards to my own personal experiences. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for being here and thank you for watching! Take care! -Lacey 🔥

Note: I changed "Hitherto" to an easier phrase for updated English, "Until this time" when speaking.

Informative links:

Book PDF: "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment" by Rudolf Steiner : https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Knowledge-of-the-Higher-Worlds-Rudoph-Steiner.pdf

Second copy non pdf:

Audio lecture version:
"The Guardian of the Threshold" - Rudolf Steiner

"Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds And Its Attainment By Rudolf Steiner"

More information on this subject:
"The Guardian of The Threshold, The Lower Doppelgänger & Misconceptions within Anthroposophy." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOeyXwwyNCc

"Have you met the Guardian of the Threshold"

"Secrets of the Threshold By Rudolf Steiner"

If you wish to visit my original channel channel here is the link:

Thank you! <3 - Lacey

#rudolfsteiner #theosophy #extraterrestrial #aliens #extradimensionalbeings #guardianangel #soulschool #asuras #spiritualalchemy #spiritualjourney #doppleganger #guardians #subconsciousmind #spiritrealm #spirit #initiation #consciousness #dreams #dreamlife #astralbody #astraltravel #spirituality #alchemy #luciddreams #angels #demons #darkandlight #balance #selfreflection
#anthroposophy #esoteric #knowledge #dimensionalbeings

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