Leaders We Deserve - A song by Angry North & Boris's Bitches

1 month ago

Buy this tune (and Support my work) and 30 other rocking truth tunes over on Bandcamp HERE: https://angrynorthborissbitches.bandcamp.com

Song # 16 of what is now 39 "protest" songs (and counting).

Welcome to Angry North's philosophy class.
Today we are going to dive right in with the question: do we get the governments that we deserve?

Please stay with the class until the end (it will be worth it), and leave your comments below.

This song is on amazon (or will be shortly) and all major streaming platforms - along with my other songs .

Let me know what you think in the comments and please SHARE this if you like it!

Want to support my freedom and truth music making journey???
DONATE USING A CREDIT / DEBIT CARD OR PAYPAL HERE https://ko-fi.com/angrynorth
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