Whoever is obssed and mad : welcome mat

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If you that obsessed and mad this is the best thing you can do. I don’t care about gossip, calling people, making streams, investigating, exposing, screaming, crying , calling, texting …sabotage …lying, false accusations, doxxing …i dont care about any of that …have fun. The only thing i care about and will respond to…the only thing that is going to get my attention and caise me to turn all the fuck the way uo is placing your feet on this welcome mat and pushing that door bell - and waiting for my response. Thats it. Name the time and exact date - who you are and i will be right here waiting for you. Thats really literally the only thing that matters. The only person who deserves a response is the one crazy enough and stupid enough is the one who wants to reveal themselves and come and stand and wait for me to open this door right here. This is the welcome mat challenge. No games. Games are for kids. Follow the instructions. If you obsessed and mad and you that bad. Other than that…keep doing all that other shit. Have fun. No response …only thing that impresses me or gets a response is this Welcome mat. You got till february 1st. Lets go.

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