Gone - a Song by Angry North & Boris's Bitches

1 month ago

Buy this tune (and Support my work) and 30 other rocking truth tunes over on Bandcamp HERE: https://angrynorthborissbitches.bandcamp.com

Song # 15 of what is now 18 "protest" songs (and counting).
Find the rest here: • Songs & videos by Angry North & Boris...

For the last two years the majority of people in the world have been accepting a very dominant, parental style of "health care"....

Are these people not slightly concerned about conflicts of interest? Are they actually unaware of all of the evidence of the real values and priorities of these people? Or do they choose to blindly discard all of it, and to believe that these "leaders" want to maximise the lifespan of all the "little people", at any cost (despite them having said the opposite)?

Amazing isn't it? Harold Shipman must be turning in his grave with envy - he missed the boom years in "medical care" provided by people who want their patients dead.

Relevant links:
www.corbettreport.com/gates A 4-part documentary from the brilliant James Corbett.- So well researched and referenced. Nearly 2 years old now but still excellent. If everybody could watch this with a half open mind (including the arrogant head-in-the-sand idiots who think Gates cares so much about their lives) we could be starting to climb out of this mess and reclaim something a bit closer to freedom en masse.

https://www.boris-johnson.com/2007/10... - Boris's article from way back in 2007 on Global Population Control. Again for anyone who hasn't seen it. (of course this has been a lifelong view and belief system that he has held, influenced in no small part,surely, by his father Stanley)

• Stanley Johnson: video interview - Daddy Stanley Johnson's interview. This is the one where he says that he'd be happy with 10-15 million people in the UK (22:45). Just a little insight into the thinking that Boris has been exposed to basically all of his life.

This song is on amazon (or will be shortly) and all major streaming platforms - along with my other songs .

Let me know what you think in the comments and please SHARE this if you like it!

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