Jaime Redd Vtuber Plays ~ Amiga : Whizz : Nitro : Batman : Racing Maniacs

1 month ago

Whizz the leading title in the relaunched Escom 1996 Amiga 1200 pack,most people wanted Alien Breed,instead they opted for this,reviewed by Amiga Power magazine it was dubbed,'Decidedly poor'.

Nitro a overly hard top down racing game that insults you if you lose and it has Clint Eastwood in it apparently.

Batman, the Amiga 500 chief title in the pack of the same name,it's too hard though.

Racing Maniacs,found in the 38b cover disk of Amiga Power June 1994,it had Clint Eastwood in it too though it does not play any better for it.
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