30 days ago

Bases 155 Paola Harris - Investigative Journalist - Archive

The Bases Project - Censored her new archive site of 45 years of her work, and investigations. Paola Leopizzi Harris is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research. Paola Leopizzi Harris has a Masters degree in Education and is also a widely published free-lance writer who has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979, has interviewed military personnel ,astronauts and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field.She has written seven books. She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980 1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations and has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo. In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col. Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico and became a personal friend and confidante. She was instrumental in having his book The Day After Roswell, for which she wrote the preface, translated into Italian. She has since written a personal memoir on Colonel Corso called: Conversations with Colonel Corso translated to English, Spanish and Italian on Amazon.. She has written a bestselling book with the legendary Jacques Vallee called Trinity about the first UFO crash, a month after the atomic bomb test near Socorro, New Mexico.

😮💩 Weird Shit2

Kennedy Twin / Dual Flame 🔥

Blue Sun Red Sun
A Story of Ancient Prophesy
Unfolding in the Modern World
Blue Sun, Red Sun is a metaphysical thriller, based on Hopi prophesy that talks about mysterious lights that appear in our sky heralding the coming of a new age, and what we, humanity, are called upon to do in these times of monumental transformation.
The setting is Rainbow Village, a small sustainable community in the remote mountains, which is built on the same foundation as the Hopi and other indigenous traditions, and that is living in harmony with nature. They believe the civilized world is in the final stages of its inevitable collapse, and their mission is to be a base from which to build the new world from the ashes of the old.
Our story begins with the first of the lights, the Blue Sun, appearing in the sky. The next day a group calling itself the Guardians takes control of all forms of media and announces the creation of a New World Order, with supreme authority to govern the world in their hands. Their first act is to abolish all paper money, and replace it with mandatory microchip implants for financial transactions. This, together with the mysterious Blue Sun, sends the world into a panic. Financial markets crash and hyperinflation strikes, making all money worthless. The old paradigm civilized world is on the brink.
Thus, the stage is set for the most epic battle of all, as humanity is forced to choose between two worlds, one of slavery and one of freedom. It is a battle which is also beyond this world. It is multi-dimensional and extraterrestrial. The Guardians are aligned with extraterrestrial beings who have ruled the Earth behind the scenes for millennia. And in order for Rainbow to persevere, they must rely on the powers of the supernatural that they derive from their spirituality.
Rainbow Village is prepared for this day. Will they experience the same fate as indigenous traditions before them, annihilation? Will they be devoured by the chaos around them? What power could possibly supplant the Guardians? If Rainbow is to persevere, what forces must come into play?

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