Abraham's Bosom is a Kingdom Parable | No one is burning in hell right now | Context is key!

24 days ago

Many modern day Christians live in unnecessary fear and they don't even know it. Their teachers misuse the teachings of Jesus Christ. They use his parables to control and manipulate them. All this can be done away with by understanding the context of Jesus' teachings. They were kingdom parables to Israel. All of them. Regarding Lazarus and the rich man, that parable was a judgment warning to the Jewish Pharisees. None of them were to us and parables are not reality.

Full live stream: ISRAEL AT WAR! 70th Week incoming! | The tricky verses you may not know https://youtube.com/live/Vs2EoEG4KW4

Does Jesus really BURN people in endless HELL FIRE for not believing in him? https://youtu.be/Kjq4QFrbWPo

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