Rep. Jake Auchincloss Is Optimistic That the U.S. Is Gonna Outcompete the CCP

1 month ago

01/21/2025 Rep. Jake Auchincloss @RepAuchincloss, D-Massachusetts: I am fundamentally optimistic about the United States. Just as we vanquished fascism and communism, we're going to outcompete the Chinese Communist Party as well.
#PanamaCanal #Geopolitical #CCP #US #communism
01/21/2025 美国民主党众议员杰克·奥金克罗斯:我从根本上对美国抱有乐观态度。就像我们战胜了法西斯主义和共产主义一样,我们也必将战胜中国共产党。
#巴拿马运河 #地缘政治 #中共 #美国 #共产主义

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