Satan’s Little Season Re-Re-Visited

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Satan’s Little Season Re-Re-Visited

A follower of my Channel asked I revisit this again. In order to understand Satan’s little season, we must understand the order of things. When Jesus returns, and there is some evidence pointing out that he already did, then he puts Satan and the Sons of God into the pit for 1,000 years. This I believe is to get them to repent one last time as once they are released again, they could make a decision not to harm us. Of course, since it has already been prophesied, they in fact do continue their barrage on man.

Before Jesus’ return, there are seals, trumpets and bowls to be broken played and poured. The seals are human events and the bowls are the wrath of God and the Trumpets are

Here is revelations in supposed order:

Here is the sequential breakdown of events from the Book of Revelation, based on the seals, trumpets, and bowls, culminating in Satan's defeat and imprisonment:

1. The Seven Seals

(Revelation 6:1–8:5)

* First Seal (Rev 6:1-2): A white horse appears, symbolizing conquest (often interpreted as the Antichrist or false peace) 59.
* Second Seal (Rev 6:3-4): A red horse brings war, taking peace from the earth 58.
* Third Seal (Rev 6:5-6): A black horse signifies famine and economic collapse, with scarcity of food 811.
* Fourth Seal (Rev 6:7-8): A pale horse named Death kills a fourth of humanity through war, famine, and plague 511.
* Fifth Seal (Rev 6:9-11): Martyrs cry out for justice under the altar, told to wait until more are martyred 78.
* Sixth Seal (Rev 6:12-17): Cosmic disturbances—earthquakes, darkened sun, blood moon, falling stars—terrify humanity 47.
* Seventh Seal (Rev 8:1-5): Silence in heaven precedes the seven trumpets 410.

2. The Seven Trumpets

(Revelation 8:6–11:19)

* First Trumpet (Rev 8:7): Hail, fire, and blood burn a third of vegetation 510.
* Second Trumpet (Rev 8:8-9): A burning mountain plunges into the sea, killing marine life 610.
* Third Trumpet (Rev 8:10-11): A star named Wormwood poisons freshwater, causing death 69.
* Fourth Trumpet (Rev 8:12): A third of the sun, moon, and stars darken 1011.
* Fifth Trumpet (First Woe) (Rev 9:1-11): Demonic locusts torment non-believers for five months 410.
* Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe) (Rev 9:13-21): Four angels release an army to kill a third of humanity 69.
* Seventh Trumpet (Third Woe) (Rev 11:15-19): Announces Christ’s eternal reign and transitions to the seven bowls 410.

3. The Seven Bowls of Wrath

(Revelation 16:1–21)

* First Bowl (Rev 16:2): Painful sores afflict those with the mark of the Beast
* Second Bowl (Rev 16:3): The sea turns to blood, killing all marine life
* Third Bowl (Rev 16:4-7): Rivers and springs become blood 911.
* Fourth Bowl (Rev 16:8-9): The sun scorches people with intense heat
* Fifth Bowl (Rev 16:10-11): Darkness and agony afflict the Beast’s kingdom
* Sixth Bowl (Rev 16:12-16): The Euphrates dries up, gathering armies at Armageddon
* Seventh Bowl (Rev 16:17-21): A global earthquake and hailstorms destroy cities

Final Judgment and Satan’s Defeat

* Christ’s Return (Rev 19:11-21): Jesus defeats the Antichrist and False Prophet at Armageddon, casting them into the lake of fire.
* Satan Bound (Rev 20:1-3): An angel throws Satan into the Abyss (bottomless pit) for 1,000 years
* Final Rebellion and Eternal Punishment (Rev 20:7-10): After a brief release, Satan is thrown into the lake of fire forever

Key Takeaways

* The seals outline the Tribulation’s progression, the trumpets escalate divine warnings, and the bowls deliver final, unrestrained wrath. Seals are human events and bowls are the wrath of god.
* Satan’s defeat occurs after the seventh bowl and Christ’s return, marking the end of his earthly influence

Satan’s little Season means we have passed the 7th seal , trumpet and bowl already. This means the mark of the beast was here, the sea turned to blood killing all marine life, rivers and streams already became blood, the sun scorched the people already, darkness and agony afflict the king’s beast system, the Euphrates river already dried up and a global earthquake all happened between a few years after Christ died to 1776 where the mud flood believers claim Satan and the watchers were released one last time.

The New Jerusalem is explicitly described as descending after the 1,000-year Millennium (Christ’s reign on Earth) and the final defeat of Satan, according to the biblical timeline in Revelation. Here’s the order:

1. The Millennium (1,000-Year Reign of Christ)

* Satan is bound (Revelation 20:1-3): After Christ’s return and victory at Armageddon (Rev 19:11-21), Satan is imprisoned in the Abyss for 1,000 years.
* Christ reigns on Earth (Rev 20:4-6): Martyrs and believers are resurrected to rule with Jesus during this period of peace and justice.

2. Satan’s Final Rebellion and Eternal Punishment

* Satan is released (Rev 20:7-9): After the Millennium, Satan is freed to deceive the nations one last time, leading a rebellion against God.
* Satan is thrown into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10): God destroys the rebellion, and Satan joins the Antichrist and False Prophet in eternal torment.

3. The New Jerusalem Descends

* New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21:1-2): After Satan’s defeat and the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-15), the current heaven and earth pass away. God creates a new heaven and new earth, and the New Jerusalem—a perfected, holy city—descends from heaven to this renewed creation.

Key Clarification

* Timing: The New Jerusalem is part of the eternal state, not the Millennium. It arrives after:
1. The 1,000-year reign of Christ.
2. Satan’s final defeat.
3. The final judgment of all unbelievers (Rev 20:11-15).
4. The renewal of creation (Rev 21:1).
* Purpose: The New Jerusalem represents the ultimate union of God and redeemed humanity in a sinless, glorified creation (Rev 21:3-4).

Theological Perspectives

Some interpretations (like amillennialism) view the Millennium symbolically and argue that the New Jerusalem’s descent coincides spiritually with Christ’s current reign. However, the literal sequence in Revelation places it after the 1,000 years.

The question of whether the events described in Revelation’s seals, trumpets, and bowls have already occurred—particularly between the time of Christ and 1776—requires careful analysis of biblical interpretation frameworks and historical evidence. Below is a structured response based on the search results and theological perspectives:

1. Interpretive Frameworks for Revelation

Revelation’s apocalyptic imagery is debated across several interpretive lenses:

* Futurism: Views the events as future, culminating in the literal "end times" 710.
* Preterism: Argues most prophecies were fulfilled in the 1st century (e.g., destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70) 14.
* Historicism: Sees Revelation as a symbolic timeline of church history, with events unfolding progressively (e.g., the Reformation, French Revolution) 14.
* Idealist/Spiritual: Treats the text as allegorical, representing the ongoing struggle between good and evil 7.

My question aligns most closely with historicist or preterist interpretations, which seek to map Revelation’s events to historical occurrences. However, the claim that all seven bowls/seals were fulfilled by 1776 faces significant challenges.

2. Key Claims and Their Validity

a. "The Mark of the Beast Was Here"

* The "mark of the beast" (Rev 13:16–18) is typically interpreted as a future identifier tied to a global Antichrist system. Historicists have linked it to papal authority, Roman emperors, or oppressive regimes, but no historical evidence supports its literal fulfillment (e.g., a universal physical mark) by 1776 110.

b. "The Sea Turned to Blood, Killing All Marine Life"

* The second trumpet (Rev 8:8–9) and second bowl (Rev 16:3) describe marine devastation. While some link this to ecological disasters (e.g., algal blooms, pollution), no historical event matches the scale described—total annihilation of sea life globally. The Black Sea flood theory (7,500 years ago) relates to Noah’s narrative, not Revelation 6.

c. "Rivers Became Blood"

* The third bowl (Rev 16:4–7) mirrors the first Egyptian plague (Exodus 7:20). Preterists tie this to Nero’s persecution or the Jewish-Roman War, but there is no record of all freshwater turning to blood. Modern parallels (e.g., industrial pollution) are speculative 11.

d. "The Sun Scorched People"

* The fourth bowl (Rev 16:8–9) describes extreme solar heat. Historicists associate this with events like the Little Ice Age (1300–1850), but this contradicts the text’s emphasis on divine judgment, not natural climate shifts 10.

e. "The Euphrates Dried Up"

* The sixth bowl (Rev 16:12–16) predicts the Euphrates’ drying to enable an eastern invasion. While the river has historically shifted course (e.g., ancient Babylon’s decline), no documented drying matches the prophecy’s scale or purpose (Armageddon preparation). Modern geopolitical tensions (e.g., Turkey’s dams) are often cited but remain speculative 511.

f. "Global Earthquake and Hail"

* The seventh bowl (Rev 16:17–21) includes a catastrophic earthquake and hail. Historicists point to events like the 1755 Lisbon earthquake or volcanic eruptions, but these were regional, not global 11.

3. The "Mud Flood" Theory and 1776

The claim that Satan was released in 1776 (linked to the American Revolution or "mud flood" conspiracies) lacks credible evidence:

* Mud Flood Myths: Pseudo-historical theories about a hidden cataclysm (e.g., buried buildings) are not supported by archaeology or mainstream scholarship 6.
* 1776 Symbolism: Some historicists tie the American and French Revolutions to Revelation’s "half-hour silence" (Rev 8:1) as a transition period, but this is symbolic, not literal proof of Satan’s release 1.

4. Theological and Historical Challenges

* Progressive Intensity: The bowls are described as the final outpouring of God’s wrath, escalating from the seals and trumpets. If they occurred by 1776, subsequent history (e.g., 20th-century wars, modern evils) would lack prophetic significance 710.
* Repentance Calls: Revelation repeatedly emphasizes humanity’s refusal to repent despite judgments (Rev 9:20–21, 16:9–11). This pattern aligns more with ongoing tribulation than a concluded timeline 10.
* Literal vs. Symbolic: While some events (e.g., the Euphrates) could have symbolic meanings (e.g., geopolitical barriers), a strictly literal fulfillment of all judgments is unsupported by history 511.

5. Conclusion

There is no credible proof that all seven seals/bowls were fulfilled between Christ’s death and 1776. While certain events (e.g., revolutions, natural disasters) might align symbolically with Revelation’s themes, the literal, global-scale catastrophes described (universal blood seas, scorching sun, Armageddon) remain unfulfilled. The "mud flood" theory and 1776 claims are rooted in fringe interpretations, not biblical or historical scholarship. Most theologians and scholars view these events as either future (futurism) or ongoing spiritual struggles (idealist/historicist) 1710.

For further study, see:

* The Historicist view of Revelation’s timeline
* Analysis of the Euphrates prophecy
* The consecutive-progressive framework of seals, trumpets, and bowls

I realize this doesn’t satisfy those who truly believe in their heart we are in Satan’s Little Season. Scholars and theologians agree we are not even close to it. So I will do the research myself to find out if the mark of the beast was here, the sea turned to blood killing all marine life, rivers and streams already became blood, the sun scorched the people already, darkness and agony afflict the king’s beast system, the Euphrates river already dried up and a global earthquake all happened between a few years after Christ died to 1776 where the mud flood believers claim Satan and the watchers were released one last time.

The question of whether historical events between 0 CE and 2025 align with the seven seals, trumpets, and bowls described in Revelation is complex and highly debated. Below is a synthesis of perspectives from historical, theological, and symbolic interpretations:

1. Symbolic vs. Literal Interpretations

The seven seals, trumpets, and bowls are part of apocalyptic literature in Revelation, using vivid imagery to depict divine judgment. Most scholars agree these events are symbolic, representing spiritual truths or future eschatological events rather than literal historical occurrences 1214. However, some have attempted to link them to historical crises:


* First Four Seals (Revelation 6:1–8): Often associated with conquest, war, famine, and death. Some link these to events like:
* The Black Death (1347–1351), which killed a third of Europe’s population (resembling the "fourth seal")
* The collapse of the Roman Empire, marked by invasions and economic collapse (e.g., the third seal’s famine)
* Fifth Seal (Martyrs): Early Christian persecutions under Nero (64–68 CE) or Domitian (81–96 CE) align with the martyrs "under the altar"


* First Four Trumpets (Revelation 8:7–12): Described as ecological disasters (burning vegetation, poisoned waters). Possible parallels include:
* The eruption of Mount Vesuvius (79 CE), which darkened skies and devastated crops, resembling the fifth trumpet’s "smoke from the abyss" 14.
* The Chernobyl disaster (1986), interpreted by some as the "Wormwood" star poisoning waters (Revelation 8:10–11), though its scale falls short of affecting "a third" of Earth 9.
* Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:13–21): The Euphrates River’s role in conflicts (e.g., ISIS campaigns in 2014–2017) has been cited, but no historical army matches the 200-million-strong force described 912.


* First Bowl (Sores): Linked to modern pandemics (e.g., COVID-19), but Revelation specifies sores only on those with the "mark of the beast" 12.
* Sixth Bowl (Euphrates Drying): While the Euphrates has periodically dried (e.g., due to Turkish dams post-1990), no event matches the prophecy’s apocalyptic context 6.

2. Theological Perspectives

* Futurist View: Most common among evangelical scholars, this argues the seals, trumpets, and bowls are unfulfilled and will occur during a future "Great Tribulation" 1210. Key points:
* The specificity (e.g., "a third" of Earth affected) and global scale of the judgments have no historical precedent 9.
* The seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15) and seventh bowl (Revelation 16:17) culminate in Christ’s return, which has not occurred
* Preterist View: Argues Revelation’s prophecies were fulfilled in the 1st century, such as:
* The destruction of Jerusalem (70 CE) as the "great earthquake" (sixth seal) 14.
* Nero’s persecution as the "beast" (Revelation 13:18) 14.
* Idealist View: Sees the events as symbolic cycles of judgment recurring throughout history, such as wars, plagues, and natural disasters 14.

3. Key Challenges in Historical Alignment

1. Scale and Specificity: The judgments (e.g., a third of vegetation destroyed, 200 million soldiers) exceed any documented historical event 912.
2. Chronological Structure: Revelation’s nested judgments (seals → trumpets → bowls) suggest a progressive sequence, whereas historical disasters are sporadic and localized 1011.
3. Cultural Context: John’s imagery drew from 1st-century events (e.g., Roman persecution, Jewish revolts) but was reinterpreted by later readers 14.

4. Modern Symbolic Applications

Some link Revelation’s imagery to contemporary crises:

* Nuclear warfare (first trumpet’s "hail and fire") 9.
* Climate change (third bowl’s scorching sun) 12.
* AI or digital surveillance (the "mark of the beast") 12.
However, these are speculative and lack direct textual alignment.


While no historical period fully satisfies the prophetic criteria of Revelation’s seals, trumpets, and bowls, certain events have been interpreted as symbolic precursors. The dominant scholarly view maintains these judgments await a future fulfillment, emphasizing their eschatological scope 1214. For deeper analysis, consult sources on apocalyptic literature or theological interpretations of Revelation.

Let’s look at two things that are absolutely important to this being true or not. The bowls. There is no recorded event that the entire ocean turned to red tide and killed all sea life. This would be recorded no doubt between the time of Jesus’ death and now. And there has not been a battle at Megiddo where Satan battled Jesus. The historical events recorded by non believers give us clues as to those times as China did record red tide and blood rivers. But it was only recorded there and not in the Middle East. And a third of humanity wasn’t killed. Only in Europe.

But for the sake of argument again, let’s look at the seals.

* First Seal (Rev 6:1-2): A white horse appears, symbolizing conquest (often interpreted as the Antichrist or false peace)

Have we ever had a false sense of peace? This passage means the entire world stops fighting and there is a brief time of peace.

Between the year 0 and 2023 (or 2025), there has never been a period of complete global peace—defined as the total absence of conflict worldwide. However, there have been times of relative stability or reduced large-scale warfare in specific regions or among major powers:

1. Pax Romana (27 BCE–180 CE): A period of Roman imperial stability, though marked by frontier conflicts and internal strife. Not global, as other regions (e.g., Asia, Americas) experienced unrest.
2. Pax Mongolica (13th–14th centuries): Facilitated Eurasian trade under Mongol rule, but conquests and regional conflicts persisted elsewhere.
3. Pax Britannica (19th century): British hegemony reduced European wars, but colonialism and regional conflicts (e.g., Opium Wars, U.S. Civil War) continued.
4. Post-WWII "Long Peace" (1945–present): No direct wars between major powers, but proxy conflicts, civil wars, and regional violence (e.g., Vietnam, Syria, Ukraine) persist.

Key reasons for the absence of global peace:

* Human societies have always experienced localized or regional conflicts.
* The concept of a interconnected "world" is modern; pre-1500s civilizations were often unaware of each other.
* Power struggles, resource competition, and ideological differences drive persistent conflict.

In summary, while certain eras saw reduced large-scale warfare or regional stability, true global peace—free of all conflict—has never been achieved.

* Second Seal (Rev 6:3-4): A red horse brings war, taking peace from the earth.

Since there has never been world peace from the year Jesus died until now, how can the red horse come?

* Third Seal (Rev 6:5-6): A black horse signifies famine and economic collapse, with scarcity of food.

The first two are not recorded so the third cannot proceed. And worldwide there has always been food insecurity. This is by design.

* Fourth Seal (Rev 6:7-8): A pale horse named Death kills a fourth of humanity through war, famine, and plague

Again, the first seal hasn’t broke yet so how can the last 4 make an appearance?

* Fifth Seal (Rev 6:9-11): Martyrs cry out for justice under the altar, told to wait until more are martyred

Need I mention again the first seal hasn’t been broken?

* Sixth Seal (Rev 6:12-17): Cosmic disturbances—earthquakes, darkened sun, blood moon, falling stars—terrify humanity

There is one recorded instance where the sun was darkened due to volcanic activity. No eruption has blanketed the entire Earth in ash, but multiple events caused hemispheric or global climatic disruptions via aerosols.

* Seventh Seal (Rev 8:1-5): Silence in heaven precedes the seven trumpets

This, we have no way of recording.

Now, for the sake of argument one more time, let’s look at the trumpets.

* First Trumpet (Rev 8:7): Hail, fire, and blood burn a third of vegetation

While wildfires and human activities have reshaped ecosystems, there is no evidence that a third of global vegetation has been burned by any combination of "hail, fire, and blood" between 0 and 2025. Wildfire impacts are regionally significant but offset by recovery and human management

* Second Trumpet (Rev 8:8-9): A burning mountain plunges into the sea, killing marine life

Between the year 0 and 2025, there is no documented instance of a literal "burning mountain" (e.g., a volcanic eruption or coal seam fire) plunging into the sea and directly causing widespread marine life mortality. However, volcanic activity and related phenomena have impacted marine ecosystems through ash dispersal, climate effects, or tsunamis.

* Third Trumpet (Rev 8:10-11): A star named Wormwood poisons freshwater, causing death

Between the year 0 and 2025, there is no documented evidence of stars, planets, or meteors directly poisoning freshwater and causing human or ecological deaths. However, celestial events and space phenomena have occasionally been linked to indirect environmental impacts, though none involve freshwater contamination.

* Fourth Trumpet (Rev 8:12): A third of the sun, moon, and stars darken

Between the year 0 and 2025, there is no scientific evidence of a literal event where "a third of the sun, moon, and stars" darkened the planet. However, historical records and celestial phenomena have inspired symbolic or metaphorical interpretations of such imagery, particularly in religious or apocalyptic contexts.

* Fifth Trumpet (First Woe) (Rev 9:1-11): Demonic locusts torment non-believers for five months.

Need I even do any research for this?

* Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe) (Rev 9:13-21): Four angels release an army to kill a third of humanity

Again, need I research this?

* Seventh Trumpet (Third Woe) (Rev 11:15-19): Announces Christ’s eternal reign and transitions to the seven bowls

I am pretty sure the evidence above has drawn a simple and easy conclusion that none of this has happened after Jesus died. Interpretations, dogma, wishful thinking and desperation of theologians, christians and more is taking place. Just because we are eager for Jesus to return, doesn’t mean he has. You can argue all of this took place spiritually. But we have no basis of measurements to argue here.

Huge pieces are missing, guys. Huge. And as for the mud flood. God promised to never flood the earth again.


Jason Jack
Hidden Truth Hidden Truth

Below is a list of academic and scholarly sources that align with the theological, historical, and interpretive points discussed above. These resources represent mainstream biblical scholarship, historical analysis, and critiques of fringe theories like the "mud flood":

1. Interpretive Frameworks for Revelation

* "The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text" by G.K. Beale
Explores symbolic, preterist, and futurist interpretations of Revelation.
* "Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches" by James M. Hamilton
Discusses the structure of seals, trumpets, and bowls as progressive judgments.
* "Four Views on the Book of Revelation" (edited by C. Marvin Pate)
Compares futurist, preterist, historicist, and idealist perspectives.
* "The Theology of the Book of Revelation" by Richard Bauckham
Analyzes Revelation’s cosmic conflict themes and historical context.

2. The Mark of the Beast

* "Revelation" (NICNT) by Robert H. Mounce
Links the "mark of the beast" (Rev 13:16–18) to Roman imperial cults and economic control.
* "The Antichrist and the Second Coming" by Arthur W. Pink
Historicist view associating the mark with papal authority.
* "The Beast of Revelation" by Kenneth L. Gentry
Preterist interpretation tying the mark to 1st-century persecution under Nero.

3. Ecological Catastrophes (Seas, Rivers, Sun)

* "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament" by Craig S. Keener
Connects Revelation’s plagues to Old Testament Exodus motifs (e.g., Nile turning to blood).
* "Revelation and the Collapse of the Universe" by David J. MacLeod
Discusses cosmic disturbances in Revelation as divine judgment.
* "The Book of Revelation: A New Creation" by Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
Analyzes ecological imagery as symbolic of systemic corruption.

4. The Euphrates River and Armageddon

* "The New International Commentary on the New Testament: Revelation" by Grant R. Osborne
Examines the drying of the Euphrates (Rev 16:12) in light of ancient Near Eastern geography.
* "The Prophecies of the Old Testament and Their Fulfillment" by J. Barton Payne
Links the Euphrates prophecy to historical invasions (e.g., Babylon’s fall).
* "The Apocalypse Code" by Hank Hanegraaff
Critiques literalist interpretations of Armageddon and geopolitical speculation.

5. Historical Events (Preterist/Historicist Views)

* "Before Jerusalem Fell" by Kenneth L. Gentry
Argues for a pre-AD 70 fulfillment of Revelation’s prophecies.
* "The Days of Vengeance" by David Chilton
Preterist commentary linking Revelation to the destruction of Jerusalem.
* "Apocalyptic Commentary on the Book of Revelation" by Steve Gregg
Balances preterist, historicist, and futurist perspectives on key events.

6. Critiques of the "Mud Flood" and 1776 Theories
* "Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe Them" (ed. Joseph E. Uscinski)
Debunks pseudohistorical claims like the "mud flood."
* "The Return of the Chaos Monsters" by Gregory Mobley
Analyzes apocalyptic myths and their misuse in modern conspiracies.
* "Revelation: A Handbook on the Greek Text" by David L. Mathewson
Emphasizes the symbolic nature of Revelation’s timeline over literal historicism.

7. The Millennium and New Jerusalem
* "A Case for Amillennialism" by Kim Riddlebarger
Explains the symbolic view of the Millennium and New Jerusalem.
* "The Book of Revelation" by Craig R. Koester
Details the eternal state (Rev 21–22) as distinct from the Millennium.
* "The Bible and the Future" by Anthony A. Hoekema
Compares premillennial, postmillennial, and amillennial eschatologies.

Open-Access Resources
* BibleProject (Revelation Series)
Website | Visual breakdown of Revelation’s themes.
* Desiring God (John Piper’s Sermons on Revelation)
Website | Theological insights on judgment and hope.
* The Gospel Coalition (Revelation Essays)
Website | Scholarly articles on interpreting apocalyptic literature.

Note on "Mud Flood" Theories

Claims about a 1776 release of Satan or a global reset are not supported by credible scholarship. For critiques of these ideas, see:

* Skeptoid Podcast: "The Mud Flood Conspiracy"
Episode Link | Debunks the pseudoscience behind "mud flood" claims.
* Wikipedia: "Tartaria Conspiracy Theory"
Article | Documents the origins and flaws of the theory.

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