Have you been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You're in a Panic?

1 month ago

Have you been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You're in a Panic?
When diagnosed with cancer, many people experience fear, panic, and pressure to make important decisions about their health- and fast!
These choices can have severe and long-term side effects on your health.
There are many non-toxic approaches to healing cancer that the standard mainstream medical doctors aren’t aware of and therefore won’t share with you.
And that’s why I wrote my book, "The So You've Been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You're in a Panic Handbook."
The book is designed to be a light read to provide an overview of options when facing, or aiming to prevent, cancer. These include many of the basics of health that aren’t addressed, such as nutrition, detoxification, power of the mind, emotions, lifestyle, purpose, and using your own guidance system, or inner wisdom to make decisions. It also includes the non-toxic cancer therapies.
I wrote this book because I got tired of seeing people when diagnosed with cancer, in fear and panic and rushing to make important decisions about their health. I know those decisions not only can have severe consequences on one's health, but also there are better and safer options available. I have met many people that have healed from cancer once they decided to seek out other options.
Today I am providing an overview of my cancer booklet, The So You’ve Been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You’re in a Panic Handbook. I hope it is helpful for your journey.


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Dr Leyla Ali is a pharmacist and author of: Off Balance, the American Way of Health, A Pharmacist’s Perspective on Why Drugs Don’t Work. and The So You’ve been Diagnosed with Cancer and now You’re in a Panic Handbook, an Overview of Options.
Available on amazon or on her website:
website: https://www.drleylaali.com
contact: Leyla@drleylaali.com

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