The Jews and Their Lies- By Martin Luther

1 month ago

Martin Luther (1543). On the J3ws and Their Lies. 👁️

This published work by Dr. Martin Luther was the last of his writings. Luther died shortly after exposing the Synagogue of Satan in Germany.

"They alone want to have the Messiah and be masters of the world. The accursed Goyim must be servants, give their desire (that is, their gold and silver) to the Jews, and let themselves be slaughtered like wretched cattle. They would rather remain lost consciously and eternally than give up this view... I wanted to present this to us Germans so that we might see what rascals the blind J3ws are and how powerfully the truth of God in our midst stands with us and against them... If they weren't so stone-blind, their own vile external life would indeed convince them of the true nature of their penitence. For it abounds with witchcraft, conjuring signs, figures, and the tetragrammaton of the name, that is, with idolatry, envy, and conceit."

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