250124 Chris & Kerry and Jack Webster

29 days ago

We're going to watch an old episode of "Webster!" together! You won't believe the similarities between what was going on then (Jan 8, 1981), as compared to what's going on now.
Copyright: BC Archives, Credit: Jack Webster and BCTV
Note: Bob McClelland, provincial Energy Minister, discusses energy security for British Columbia and the rising price of provincial and federal domestic natural gas. Other topics are the subsidization of natural gas, fuel conversion programs, offshore drilling and LNG. Western Federation Association president Elmer Knudson discusses the benefits of forming a separate, sovereign federation made up of the 4 western provinces and territories, independent from the federal government. The conversation has a natural energy focus.
Descriptive Reference Number: AAAA7020
Call Number: V1988:25/0589_0590
Original Air Date: 1981-01-08

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