The Fair Maid of Perth by Sir Walter Scott. BBC RADIO DRAMA

1 month ago

The Fair Maid of Perth
A beautiful glover's daughter is romantically pursued by a warmongering blacksmith, a poetising prince, a hot-headed clansman and a bumbling bonnet-maker in lawless 14th century Scotland. Feeble King Robert III is failing to stop his beloved country being torn apart by warring clans and pillaging nobles - chaos reigns supreme. When our heroine, Catharine Glover, suffers heartbreak and tragedy at the hands of the vengeful Earl of March, a terrible dilemma presents itself. Should she follow the dictates of her heart by marrying the man she loves - or should she obey her father's wish and shun a world of 'hard iron and barbaric cruelties' by betrothing herself to Christ?
Walter Scott ...... David Tennant
Catherine Glover ...... Morven Christie
Her father ...... Hugh Ross
Henry Smith ...... Bryan Larkin
King Robert ...... Clive Russell
The Earl of March ...... Kenneth Cranham
Oliver Proudfoot ...... Forbes Masson
Conachar ...... Callum O'Neil
Louise the Minstrel ...... Olivia Morgan
A citizen ...... Richard Hansell
Written by Sir Walter Scott
Adapted by Scott Cherry
Directed by Clive Brill
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2013

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