Are you the Bride or A Guest?

1 month ago

I know we have been taught many things concerning what life eternal will be like when this mortal puts on immortality. But scripture describes in marriage terms what actually takes place, and as we discussed last week it is clear that their is a bride of Christ who is making herself ready. Well, at any wedding there is not only the bride and the groom, but guests and a wedding party involved. We should not think that the wedding supper of the Lamb would be any different. The scripture describes what this experience will be like for those who fall under these categories and this comes as we draw nearer to a close of our study, and rightfully so, as the message of Revelation is written to the church. May we be ready for our grooms glorious appearing. In this teaching there is no holding back, and in this season we must not do so because the time draws near.

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