'Our Colorado: Where Water Runs Gold': Where will your next glass of water come from?

6 years ago

Water is a very precious commodity in Colorado. While our cities grow, there are an increasing number of questions about where everyone’s next glass of water will come from. Water utilities are looking for new supplies or better storing the supplies that they already have the rights to. Some are building pipelines, others new tanks, while still others are looking at more unique solutions like storing water in old mines or finding ways to treat water and recycle it back into their systems. In the Denver7 special Our Colorado: Where Water Runs Gold, Anne Trujillo and Russell Haythorn take a look at many of the issues facing Colorado’s water supply as our population grows as well as the solutions being looked at. Not every choice is an easy or popular choice. Along the way, you may even pick up a few ideas on how you can conserve water in your own home.

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