Three-Horned Cow Spotted On Brazilian Farm

6 years ago

This is folks how myths and legends are made! Imagine this image coming to a medieval person or even one from ancient history. What would these people think after seeing such a creature? We were definitely amazed by the sight and we bet you were too, but these people would go an extra step and create entire narratives of the magical origin or power of such an odd-looking beast!

The video was taken on August 16, 2018, on a cattle farm in Brazil. A burdock with three horns, grazing in a herd on a Brazilian farm, attracted the attention of an occasional tourist. The young man captured an atypical representative of cattle and published a video on the Internet. Even the owner of the cattle ranch stated that this is an atypical cow with 3 horns, a true sight to see!

Shall we start weaving myths about it or do you want to see some harder scientific data whereas to why this happens?

Let's start.

Polycerate animals or animals which have more than the usual number of horns typical for their species are animals which have a rare congenital anomaly that occurs in cleft hoofed animals of different species. Cattle can have as many as six horns, and occasionally more. The mutation affects the sheep more often. There are historical reports of cows which have six or even more horns, while the typical number of horns in these species is two. This genetical mutation is found more often in sheep though, then cows, antelopes, and cows.

Modern lifestyle has long put out cattle horns out of everyday use: large horns were used as drinking vessels, jewelry, musical instruments, materials for comb-making etc. Now, due to mass production of cattle, farmers even remove their horns or raise genetically modified cattle without any horns: the lack of horns reduces injuries to humans and other cattle

Now, when we have dispelled this myth, we are free to take a look at another video, showing our favorite animals - cows. She may not have three horns, but is no less fun to watch - this cute cow loves how a mechanical brush functions.

It seems like this lady is in the same predicament as us. After a day of hard work at the farm, this adorable cow can’t wait to get herself under the new mechanical brushes her owner set for her. And just look at her smile while doing it! The look of absolute bliss is so endearing, we just want to watch her do it again and again.

Rolina the dairy cow lives on a farm in Habsburg Switzerland and loves nothing more than brushing her coat. When owner Marina Boller installed a cow brush at Hof Habsburg farm she could not have predicted Rolina’s reaction to it. Speaking to Storyful Marina explained “She always uses it very heavily, so you can hear her even at night when she goes out for a brush”. The cow has that hypnotic look in the eyes like “hey, don’t stop, that’s really good, I want more”. At this state, her whole body suggests that she feels totally relaxed and she enjoys the session beyond any words. Massaging the ears and ear flaps unwind and invigorate her entire body.

If you thought that only adults can reap the full benefits of a massage and make you go in a state of trance because they feel totally relaxing, then this video will prove you wrong. Cows are fond of massaging as much as we adults are. Just look at this cow - she is enjoying being massaged by the new mechanical brush on her back and her face and looks like she is even shying a smile. How adorable is that? Isn’t she the sweetest thing you have seen lately on the Internet?

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