Smithsonian Luciferian Hides the Truth That Brien Foerster Reveals

10 days ago

I know these ancient-skinned monsters exist because one came to visit me in a Winnipeg library in the winter of 2019. It had blue irises in huge eyeballs with grey ancient looking skin. My estimate is that it was genetically altered for longevity from before the capture of Earth by our Sun when the Proto-Saturnic Solar-system was ripped apart during the Great Ice-age.

The head binding was done to pretend that their offspring had more Homo capensis genetics than others. The Homo capensis where ancient visitors that copulated with many human women trying to find fertile female offspring.
King Tutankhamen was actually a female offspring, but the "authorities of antiquity" fabricated a male mummy to confuse the dumbed-down sheeple seeking mysteries. Queen Nefertiti did not have head-binding done. If she had been fertile to capensis sperm, she would only have mated with them and be considered a god.

"When 51 elongated skulls were discovered in Mozs, Hungary, some people suspected extra-terrestrials. But the elongation was manmade–and evidence of this gruesome practice had been found all over the world."

In actuality, Mystery School Talmudic-Freemasons control the Smithsonian Deception Institute, just like the rest of Western Civilization bamboozling the dumbed-down sheeple.

Watch Brien Foerster instead:

Karen Hudes exposes what these ancient monsters running the Vatican are doing today... they want the Philippine gold. The black pope running the Vatican has hired a Philoppino white pope to get closer to that gold to transfer it back into the Vatican underground.

haa! Cloudflare or youtube is blocking me from downloading from youtube.

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