Premillennial View of the Millennium Irrational? Caller Asks Steve Gregg on The Narrow Path

1 month ago

Pre-Millennial View: Could you explain how the pre-millennialist views and justifies the irrational ideas of life in the Millennium? [Revelation 19-20, Isaiah 65, Psalm 2:9, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Romans 8:19-23, Matthew 25:46].

Call-in at (844) 484-5737 to The Narrow Path daily radio program, which is hosted by Steve Gregg. Steve takes calls and answers bible questions and questions related to the Christian faith Weekdays from 2-3 pm PT/ 5-6 pm ET. Listen live at, or Archived programs also available at all three locations.

#eschatology #lastdays #prophecy #millennialkingdom #millenium
#biblequestions #bibleanswers #thenarrowpath #stevegregg #bibleqa #livestream

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