What is Anger? - Chapter 1 (EP101)

2 months ago

As promised, Pastor Mike and Dr. Parker begin a chapter-by-chapter review of the book "Anger Management: TRANSFORM Anger Into Advantage." In Chapter 1, learn just what exactly emotions are, why we have them and the PURPOSE OF ANGER! Hilarious and insightful! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE. And go order your copy of "Anger Management: Transform Anger Into Advantage" at Amazon or wherever you get your books!

MERCHANDISE: (shirts, hats, beanies, jackets!)

THE BOOKS (Paperback/Hardcover/Audiobook):
"Twelve Two: How to Transform Your Mind"
----Available everywhere!!! Amazon, B&N, BAM!, etc.

"Anger Management: TRANSFORM Anger Into Advantage"
---Available everywhere!!! Amazon, B&N, BAM!, etc.

(Links to books here:)

00:00 INTRO
00:42 What Did Mike MISS?
00:56 Lance’s Fall?
02:19 A GIFT from Saudi!
03:47 Discussion The Purpose of Anger
04:26 Mike’s Story of Anger
06:45 Brief Recap of Book Introduction
07:25 Dive Into Chapter 1 – What Is Anger?
18:03 Purpose of Sadness

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