Turbonegro Must Be Destroyed

1 month ago

A Turbonegro Tribute Album
1. Christmas (Germany) - I Got A Knife 00:00
2. Scumbag Millionaire (Sweden) - Just Flesh 02:15
3. Dampfmaschine (Germany) - Du Mongo 04:41
4. Dwarves (USA) - Blow Me (Like The Wind) 07:07
5. Dumb Bats (Germany) - Girls From Nowhere 09:30
6. CatEaters (Germany) - Hurry Up & Die 13:16
7. Stacy Crowne (Germany) - Humiliation Street 16:44
8. Turbocoopers (Argentina) - All My Friends Are Dead 21:35
9. Alarmstufe Rot (Germany) - Selfdestructo Bust 24:21
10. Deviltrain (Germany) - Rendezvous With Anus 27:08
11. Syff (Germany) - Prince Of The Rodeo 29:14
12. Max Motherfucker (Germany) - Everybody Loves A Chubby Dude 33:03
13. The Dogs (Norway) - Armed And Fairls Well-Equipped 36:49
14. Schreng Schreng & La La (Germany) - Sailor Man 39:38

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