Dad’s home

1 day ago

North Carolina is finally getting government help.
California politicians are getting spanked.
Temporary set backs are going on. With returning illegals. But that will not last long.
Angels on orbs. I personally have known this for years. I did not know they were Angeles. My best guess was they were light beings, energy, Angeles or some type of alien. I have posted many photos and videos of them. Outlining there images with photoshop in a couple photos. There always around us. But on a misty night. It’s easier to get them in a photo. Because the moisture helps refract off there energy. Though it is rare to get a decent picture. People often right it off as a bug or moth. Headlights from cars. Or other things. Sometimes that’s all it is. But other times. If you blow up the photo. Study it. Run it through different light edits. To make it more crisp. You can right off all those other things like bugs ect. I’ve been doing that for probably around 18 years.
Starting with shapes in clouds and smoke in my fire pit. It was just a artistic thing at first. Then orbs would be in the background.
But that’s all just my guess and opinion.

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