The Witcher episode 17-Working Girls Complete/A Mysterious Tower Part 2 (Vivaldi freed!)

1 month ago

Geralt assist Carmen and her working girls on the streets of Vizima. Geralt then meets up with Vincent at the warehouse and furthers his investigation. He then pays Jethro a visit to have a chat and frees Vivaldi from Jail. #thewitcher #geraltofrivia #vizima #shani #meditation #thewitch #silver #silverblade #swallow #beast #prisonbreak #vizimadungeon #vizimasewers #vincentmeis #silversword #berengarssecret #jethro #retrogaming #siegfried #siegfriedofdenesle #orderoftheflamingrose #thaler #fisstech #vivaldi #antiquary #swamptower #amysterioustower #thesecretgates #Kalkstein #memoryofablade #hooker #carmen #workinggirls

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