The War This Week, with War Correspondent Mike Wiley Jan 24 2025 165th War Year

1 month ago

ever notice that when Democrats fail to win a Presidential Election they go into terrorist's mode and sabotage the Republican Presidency by Assignation, Impeachment, or terrorist activities of their non profit NGO's. The only way to stop this is to send them home or initiate the Two State Solution, where the Red States with Blue capitals, secede like West Virginia in 1863 and form a new GOP state adding 9 New States, with 18 GOP Senators and recover stolen house seats of about 15 through terminating criminal Gerrymandering. East California, East Oregon, East Washington, North Nevada, South Colorado, West Illinois, West Minnesota, North New York and the Islands of New York. The Republicans' control of all houses, makes this the opportune time to enact.

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