Miss Drop 44 #58 - All about us! The founding of MD44, its problems and issues.

1 day ago

Thanks Andrew Holloway for sparking the idea of todays video, after chatting with him and saying things that I now expect everyone to know, like "you'll need AFRA for that" and he asked, what's AFRA? and also talking about why the group was called misdrop and evolved into Miss Drop 44 and the original idea of having multiple units. The bell dinged in my little head and the light bulb came on... video time!!! A few photos selected... some notes scribbled down... and then to hit RECORD! Job done. Fairly dull I know, but it feels like most of you would watch paint dry if I was there to talk to you about it ;)

Seriously thought, thanks for watching me waffle on. I did smile at the few likes and amount of people who watch the vids.

Moving from Youtube to Rumble after Youtube have been shutting down accounts at a rate of knots and that's simple not right in my books. They give no reasons and just shut them down.

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