Miss Drop 44 #48- WEBBING 1 Airborne 101st guide, 502 2nd Batt- No BS, no fluff, just living history

30 days ago

So this is the first of the two replacement videos... after 7 attempts we finally have 2 watchable videos!!! Hurrah!

We got a request recently to show some of our sets of webbing in a video and go through them. So here goes, using a handheld webcam and ring light, I tried to show it... so apologies for the appalling camera work. The sounds should at least be OK, as I put the mic in the middle of the webbing sets. Fingers cross it turned out OK.

You can always see more info on Miss Drop 44 and other 101st related content at www.missdrop44.co.uk

The webbing sets are simple to put together, yet 99.99% of 101st impressions are f'in appalling and incorrect. Why people just slap any old crap together is beyond me, wouldn't some simple attention to detail and some pride in what you are wearing be worth it.

Riggers - only buy from HTC (the rest really are crap)
M1910 or M1942 canteen covers
M1924 or M1942 Carlisle pouch
E-Tool (either M43, M1910 T handle, M1910 Pick Mattock or M1910 Axe)
M1936 suspenders
Felt shoulder pads
Garand Bayonets & M3 knife to everyone with an M1 Garand (which is almost everyone except officers and some weapons crew members)

That is every enlistedmans load out....then on top of that
1 in 25 men got a set of wire-cutters (not instead of his E-tool, as well as)
1 in every rifle squad had a machete

Officers and senior NCOs had additional items, binocular case, map case, compass pouches etc. We can go into who had what in another video if it would help/interest anyone.

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