Miss Drop 44 #42 - reaction #40 - terrible start full of ww2 inaccuracies and bullshit - M1 carbines

1 month ago

The start is appalling, full of mistakes, errors and best still that classic crap about M1 carbines being almost useless and you'd better of throwing rocks at people. Why do people think that the M1 is a pretty duff gun. If it wasn't fit for purpose then the military would have dropped it. Yet it was adapted for use by the airborne, which actually says a lot about how good this little gun and calibre really was. Yes it doesn't have the range of the M1 Garand, nor was it supposed to have. It is not a rifleman's rifle. It has more rounds inside the gun than the M1 Garand and is magazine fed; a better system than the en-bloc. People tend to unfairly compare these these two different tools. It's a little like going to your tool box and complaining that your wrench doesn't bash in nails as good as your hammer. Now go tighten a nut up with a hammer...

To dispel these stupid M1 Carbine myths I think a separate video could be needed...

You can always see more info on Miss Drop 44 and other 101st related content at www.missdrop44.co.uk

Moving from Youtube to Rumble after Youtube have been shutting down accounts at a rate of knots and that's simple not right in my books. They give no reasons and just shut them down.

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