Philippines Has YOUR GOLD(Swizzy,too), poor, starving, staring sheep (Karen Hudes)

10 days ago

Karen Hudes was poisoned multiple times.
She perished in October of 2023.
She never gave-up trying to explain to the non-cUlt people that the gold belongs to the dumbed-down, starving sheeple.

The "funny money" is the Vatican's design of the fiat debt-dollar system of inflation-taxing the sheeple. Paper-money always eventually collapses as the people are impoverished by the Mystery School cUlt's Masonic-Talmudic pirates.

Karen also exposed the ancient-mankind selfrighteous-monsters that hand over their ancient technologies to Freemasons in exchange for the genocide of the non-cUlt-sworn sheeple. Eventually, humanity is guided towards extinction by these monsters:

The wicked Vatican wants that gold, now, since the sheeple let the NWO begin the techno-feudal-takeover in 2020.


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