Miss Drop 44 #31 - reaction #29 - Vice News tries desperately to vilify and ridicule ww2 re-enactors

1 day ago

Vice News tries desperately to vilify and ridicule re-enactors whilst making themselves look like morons. They came with a one sided script, read from it, reported nothing, was completely biased and wasn't actually any sort of reporting at all. It was a piece to get a reaction from people in the loosest sense of journalism. Yes it got a reaction, that reaction is pointing out what a bunch of wankers they are.~

You can always see more info on Miss Drop 44 and other 101st related content at www.missdrop44.co.uk

Moving from Youtube to Rumble after Youtube have been shutting down accounts at a rate of knots and that's simple not right in my books. They give no reasons and just shut them down.

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