REALLY Late Edition: Two 'Journalists' Say Politico Buried Stories Damaging To Joe Biden 4 YEARS Ago

1 month ago

Posted • January 24, 2025: Two ‘reporters’ are alleging that Politico ditched actual journalism to aid then-candidate Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign by burying two bombshell stories about his son, Hunter Biden - his laptop and his ties to Burisma. Wow, Politico is a Democrat Party rag? Tell us something we didn’t already know! It’s strange how calm Tara Palmeri and Marc Caputo are over something so unethical and obviously politically-motivated. Just another day in ‘journalism.’ Such brave heroes! 🔥Two former Politico reporters, Tara Palmeri and Marc Caputo, level bombshell allegations against the outlet over its coverage of the Bidens. 🔥 "I do wonder if it could have, if it would have been published a little quicker if it was a different type of story." - Tara Palmeri on the story about Hunter Bidne purchasing a .38-caliber revolver. Make no mistake, this is a huge scandal.

One can only assume neither of these two are real journalists or they would have either bypassed their editors or found a way to leak these stories four years ago. No one is buying the ‘but, our editors’ excuse. These two sit there and chat as if their integrity is unquestionable and everything was out of their control and even expect sympathy I suspect. Disgusting. Just disappear, please! You can't call yourself a journalist or reporter if you cave in when told to not write a story on significant events. Both of these ‘journalists’ have since left Politico and work elsewhere. It’s suspect that they are only talking about this now that President Biden is out of office and Hunter Biden has been pardoned. How convenient it is that they come out and say this after Biden has left office. Total frauds who are now telling this. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - REALLY Late Edition: Two ‘Journalists’ Say Politico Buried Stories Damaging to Joe Biden FOUR YEARS Ago
Twitchy: The Atlantic: Why Did Titans of Intelligence Sign the Hunter Biden Letter? What a Mystery!

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