If the CCP Annexes Taiwan, Australia Could Become Its Vassal State

30 days ago

01/22/2025 James Paterson @SenPaterson, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs & Cyber Security of Australia: Ensuring Taiwan is not annexed by the Chinese Communist Party is crucial for Australia’s national security and economic interests. If the CCP controls Taiwan, it could dominate key international trade routes, risking Australia’s trade with many countries. Australia could be forced into a vassal state relationship, losing sovereignty over critical policy decisions.
#CCP #Taiwan #VassalState #JamesPaterson
01/22/2025 澳大利亚影子内政部长和网络安全部长詹姆斯·帕特森:确保台湾不被中共吞并对澳大利亚的国家安全和经济利益至关重要。如果中共控制台湾,他们可能会主导关键的国际贸易航道,危及澳大利亚与多个国家的贸易。澳大利亚可能被迫成为其附属国,失去对关键政策决策的主权。
#中共 #台湾 #附属国 #詹姆斯·帕特森

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