Apatros Review Ep-0126: Peek-A-Boo Poker [NES, 1991]

1 month ago

AR-0126: Amongst the adult-oriented bootleg games popular in the Far East in the early 1990s, the ones made by Hacker International were considered legendary by players in the West. "Peek-A-Boo Poker", one of the fabled "Panesian Trilogy" of adult NES games [Panesian was Hacker's Stateside alias], is essentially a strip poker simulator on the NES [these types of games were popular with PC gamers of the day].
If you are aware of the basics of strip poker, then you'll know what to expect with this particular game, the basics on playing it, the rules and so on. It is easy to play, compared with PC-based versions, but the drawings are inferior, even to something like "Honey Peach".

My Grace: D [Bad]

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