We are a constitutional republic not a democracy

30 days ago

I know the media likes to tell you over and over and over again about threats to our democracy
We don’t have a democracy
Democracy is a parasitic word in itself

We are a constitutional Republic for a reason so that way a group of parasites do not come in take over that’s why they’re trying to convince you you are democracy because once they do that, there’s no reason for the constitution right
And then you turn into a real full-fledged unadulterated slave

Right now you’re just an indentured servant
It can’t get worse

Wake up before it’s too late this is probably the last set of years to do anything
Keep your eyes open

Question everything

#ConstitutionalRepublic #WeAreNotADemocracy #Republic #Democracy #brainwash #Brainwashing #ContinuouslySayingDemocracy #MKUltra #MindControl #Hypnosis #Hypnotized #OverAndOver #RewiringBrain #WEAREACONSTITUTIONALREPUBLIC
#Constitution #BillOfRights #DeclarationOfIndependence

#questioneverything #news #trendingnews #Media #NewsStations #TheyLie #ChristianGospel #Conspiracies #NotADemoncracy #ButARepublic #BenFranklin

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