This was my last video I released on YouTube. Here's why.

21 days ago

I released this on Oct. 7, 2017, a few days before I closed my Youtube account.

Orig. desc.: Just watch the video for the full story. But I'm sure I don't have to tell you that YouTube has become very Draconian in regards to demonetizing videos. For that, and their past history of censorship, not to mention that Google their parent company, helped China censor internet searches on his Chinese search page which is now defunct, (I think) I felt that I couldn't be a party to this any longer. So for all those reasons, I'm terminating this YouTube account, effective Sunday at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. And I do leave with some sadness actually. I've been here for almost a decade, but of course there won't be a 10 anniversary video. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do right? As promised, here are the links to my other pages, starting with my Vimeo channel: And here's the page where I first released my Halftime 04 AMV: And here's where you can see the full AMV: Also, my other social media pages. Here's my Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter in that order: So arigato gozaimasu minna-san, and as Eminem says in his song, Not Afraid, "it's been a ride."

I no longer have Twitter (or X, if you will) but the other pages are still active, just as an FYI

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