PT 1:Triumphal Entry & Differences in Gospels, prove Pre-Trib, 3-Harvests model, & Point at Passover

1 month ago

This is part 1 of my edited and Re-released: Synoptic Comparison Video from 2022, showing 3 "Harvest Events" (2 Raptures & the Day of the Lord), & that the Bride leaves on a Passover. Designed to either be watched, or listened to (I get a lot of people telling me they prefer to listen as they drive, work, or what have you…I’m somewhat the same way.) And it never hurts to have your own Bible open, and take notes, pause and resume.

Triumphal Entry positioning within ea gospel establishes a differing order of events and passage of time... For example, Luke ENDS with the Triumphal Entry, where BOTH Mark and Matthew each BEGIN with the Triumphal Entry.

These differences in the synoptic gospels (synoptic, meaning similar, and similar meaning essentially "mostly the same, yet with differences"), proves the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Bride, as well as each gospel is speaking to a different group: Luke is to the Gentile Bride; Mark is to the Wilderness Church/Tribulation Saints; and Matthew is to the Jews; and since the language "And then if any man shall say, lo, here is Christ, or He is there, believe him not" only occurs in Matthew, after the Seals, and after the antichrist sits down in the temple, and after the One World Religion and the mark becomes mandatory under penalty of death, this is yet further support for the Pre-Trib rapture as it doesnt appear in Luke, and the Bride has already escaped by then. There's also interesting differences in the language surrounding the Fig Tree across the 3 gospels.

Funny thing, I made this video in 2022, just before my channel got taken down the first time, and years before I met, or began communicating, with Mike from Repoman 64, near the end of part 2, I mention something he said long time back as being interesting to me about "watching" only being in the Books of Luke and Mark, but not in Matthew. In fact, Mark 13:37, the final word of that chapter is a single word admonition from Jesus... Watch. It's so powerful I end the video with that word.

I hope this blesses somebody. If you like it, or think it might be a helpful study for others, please like and share it.

If the title alone triggers you, and leads you to post comments of what you instead believe…why not just try watching this study. All I’m doing is trying to be encouraging, and to lead people to accept Jesus as soon as possible. As Dr Barry says, "I just provided you a mountain of evidence, I'll entertain other views, but you're going to need to present a bigger mountain to the contrary."

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