'Barbara O'Neill': The True Cause of Dis-'ease'!

30 days ago

Barbara O'Neill (Australia): The True Cause of Dis-'ease'! (Part 1/13) [05.04.2012]

Note: From 2012, a fantastic woman who also exactly tells what is going on and is blocked all over..
"Louis Pasteur said germs cause disease.
Most of us believe it, and almost the whole pharmacological industry is build on this theory, but are we getting better?
In fact, statistically we are getting worse.

Let's find out about another method fighting diseases that are not invasive but by helping our human body healing capability to fix itself.

by Barbara O'Neill · 62233 views · HD
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2012

Living Springs Retreat - 54K subscribers

Links for verification and research under all my videos

TERRAIN - The Film (Part 1 & 2 'Passing the Torch') [12.02.2022]
The beginning and end of Virology - The End of Germ Theory...
TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world PLANdemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory.

Timeline + Content:
00:00:00 Commercials/Advertisement
00:32:00 Terrain - The Film 'Part 1'
01:32:00 So Who is Dr. Stefan Lanka PH.D? + Commercials
01:40:00 Introduction + Roundtable Discussion with Cast Members + Commercials
02:47:00 Introduction to Part 2 by David Icke
03:02:00 Terrain - The Film Part 2: 'Passing the Torch' + Commercials
04:15:00 Live Q & A with Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D

TERRAIN Trailer: [20.02.2022]
The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022]

The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering.

The Viral Delusion Part 2: Monkey Business: Polio, Measles And How It All Began! [27.03.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 3: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu! [04.04.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 4 - AIDS, The Deadly Deception! [04.04.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 5 - Sequencing The 'Virus' Without The 'Virus'! [06.04.2022]

Dr Tom Cowan ft. Dr. Mark Bailey: Discussing the 'Virus' Challenge! [July 15, 2022]

The 'Virus' Challenge! Dr Mike Yeadon Signs On With Dr's Cowan, Bailey & Kaufman [16.07.2022]

Barbara O'Neill (Australia): The True Cause of Dis-'ease'! (Part 1/13) [05.04.2012]

Dr. Sam Bailey: What does it mean to be a REAL Doctor? [19.07.2022]

Barbara O'Neill: What about Baby and Child Nutrition? [28.11.2013]

Barbara O'Neill: Food - How it affects YOU! [27.05.2022]

Barbara O'Neill: Fresh Air, Really? [10.06.2022]

Barbara O'Neill: Living Springs Retreat - Water & Salt! [19.07.2022]

Dr. Tullio Simoncini: Cure Cancer with Baking Soda/Sodium Bicarbonate! [Apr 8, 2020]

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