Reducing Self-Judgment – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

1 month ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for January 13: Reducing Self-Judgment, a weekly zoom call. You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Let go of thoughts and ways of thinking that don't support your peace of mind and joy.
2 - Your past experiences have helped you become the more wise and compassionate being that you are today.
3 - Learn to see each step along your path as helping become who you came here to be.
4 - Recall that God being Perfection, that each persons journey is perfect for them.
5 - Become grateful to all those who have assisted you in one form or another become who you are today.
6 - God's plan for your life and your highest will for your life are One.
7 - The more you trust God, the less judgment you will will have , the more at peace you will be.
8 - Being all One, there less you decide to judge "others" the less you will judge yourself.
9 - When people judge it is not the truth in them that is doing so, it is their past programming, their child self.
10 - When you judge others you are in essence judging God as wrong.
11 - God allows things or situations to occur because He knows that you are ready to deal with it and heal it.
12 - Ask yourself: "Would you rather have peace or be right?"
13 - When you blame the outer world and those in it you give away your power, and thus your peace.
14 - You always define your experience, thus you are ultimately responsible for your peace of mind and joy.
15 - Everything in your experience is here, directed by God, for your good.
16 - This moment, and every moment is happening for your, not to you.
17 - When others are saying something judgmental about you, it's not about you, it's their own internal conditioning, a call for help and healing.
18 - Learn to use forgiveness when the ego demands judgement.
19 - To help and heal is the appropriate response to those who , in their own way, are asking for help and healing.
20 - God is in each interaction inviting you. to lead your brothers and sisters to a place of peace. Do this and you will feel fulfilled.
21 - When you are with anyone - God has sent them to you and you to them.
22 - You are always defining what others are saying to you.
23 - Learn to appreciate every moment, for it has been design by God/Perfect Love, for you.
24 - The more you choose forgiveness over judgment, the more you will choose peace over pain.
25 - The more you understand peoples judgments of you as an appeal for help and healing, the more at peace you will live.
26 - Thank everyone who triggers you, for they are simply helping you practice choosing forgiveness over judgement and thus peace over pain.
27 - Understand time vs self judgment. There is Divine time and the ego's idea of time. Trust Divine time and have peace. Trust the ego's timing and you will lack peace.
28 - Practice trusting "what is". That said, you can establish self loving boundaries with the state of peace as its base.
29 - Don't become attached to "what I think I know is best". Offer advise with love/peace and a detachment to attachment.
30 - Saying nothing is sometimes the most loving thing to say and do.
31 - Learn to be silent, and invite God/the Holy Spirit in to guide you.
32 - No matter the drama, you are alway just one simple and gentle choice away from peace.
33 - The ego saying is "search but do not find". It will have you judge self or others and judge you for doing just that.
34 - Practice trusting the Divine Design. The more you do so the more peace you will have.
35 - You always view this world through the ego's or God's lens. If you have peace you are viewing it through God's lens.
36 - Listening non-judgmentally is a beautiful gift of love.
37 - Ask God/Love what to think, say and do, then think, say and do only that.
38 - Practice using moments of silence to trust God more.
39 - When you put the moment in God's hands you have peace.
40 - The practice of surrendering. Surrendering is strength, not weakness. Surrender to God aligns you with the all-powerful.

January 13. Reducing Self-Judgment - Condense version

Imagine a day when you let go of the ego’s self-judgment programs and realize how every single step along your path was and is a perfect and sacred co-creation with God. When you take some time to look back at your past, you can see how all of your experiences have helped you become the more mature and self-aware person that you are today. Now imagine having the vision of God and knowing that all decisions and experiences (past, present and future) are designed to help you understand your true, eternal, loving essence and nature. What further need for judgment of self and others would you have if you understood that God uses all for good? Today, see each and every step along your path as a gift offered to you to help you reach a higher level of consciousness.

If the ego demands judgment: 1) Recall all of the suffering and pain that the ego’s mindset has brought you. 2) Decline the ego’s request. 3)...

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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