3 Week Old Baby Budgies Moved Into New Cage With Momma

1 day ago

The budgie babies are 3 weeks old and are showing there colors. Both are green like their Daddy. Today Momma bird was violently attacking the daddy bird and the other bird in the cage. We took the non family bird and put him in a holding place. Momma bird calmed down but then started violently attacking Daddu bird so I had to go and buy another cage. If you ever plan to breed birds (which wasn't our plan) I recommend a breeding cage which I wish we had. We ended up with birds with two sees when we took the daddy bird in as a foster and the cage was donated. We thought it would be adequate when we allowed two eggs to incubate, but apparently, it wasn't and today became a hard day when Momma became very territorial. Now, everybody is happy and she has resumed feeding the babies.

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