New World Order reference, 9/11 symbolism (before it happened) with warning of Kennedy

1 month ago

symbolika Nového Světového Řádu a symbolika 11.září (před tím než se udáolost stala) s varováním Kennedyho, kterého zabili ti o kterých varoval

first of its necessary to destroy whole federal reserve system based on fraud which provides unlimited corrupt cash to US for their military . The point is to make world economy based on natural offer and demand, then Russia could use their raw material potential. Untill world economy advancing West and US especially will be based on this Federal reserve system corrupt banking then Russia or anyone who wish to defeat evil satanic New world order, have no chance. Kennedy tried to end it and US government and CIA killed him. Important is also finish satanic reigm of British royal who in fact rules whole world, especially US government, if someone overthrow and finish british royal family and their commitee of 300, then no more West domination, USA would be in total chaos and unable to rule any longer in term of global dominancy, they are addicted to British high masonic royal family. Cause Satan rules the world throught Royals.... look what happened to Gaddafi who refused to be addicted to this federal reserve system.... he in fact was huge problem with Kennedy, cause they threatened whole West dominancy- the Beast according to Bible. Satan- who rules the world throught them was in trouble, anyone who know too much and know how to make a right steps like Kennedy must be annihilated. These are the keys succesfully defeat this unfair evil system leading towards NWO . make a right steps like Kennedy or right acts as Gaddafi against these institutions are the keys to end up with it.

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