Orinoco Tribune - Webinar: Venezuela Chooses: What is at Stake in the Coming Elections? (Part 2)

1 month ago

Caracas (OrinocoTribune.com)—The International Manifesto Group and the Orinoco Tribune invite you to a series of two webinars, jointly organized to highlight the relevance and the regional and international implications of the upcoming July 28 Venezuelan presidential elections. The first of these webinars was held on Sunday, July 7, and the second on Sunday, July 14.

The two webinars are presented with the co-sponsorship of the Alliance for Global Justice, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (UK), Geopolitical Economy Report, Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice, the Venezuela Solidarity Network (US), and MintPress News.

A roster of outstanding panelists have already confirmed their participation for both webinars. The organizers will additionally be putting together a post-election webinar with relevant speakers, tentatively planned for mid-September.

Below, you read the details for the series of webinars, entitled: “Venezuela Chooses: What is at Stake in the Coming Elections?”

Part 2: Sunday, July 14, 12 p.m. (EST), 5 p.m. (London)

Diego Sequera
Steve Ellner
Ben Norton
Alan MacLeod
Radhika Desai, moderator.

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