9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 59 - "EXPOSING the JEWS" - January 24th 2025, by JAMES EASTON

30 days ago

I was spurred into action to make this movie by a video a friend sent me on the morning after the Inauguration. PEOPLE! This is the fucking basic fact! You are slated for ELIMINATION!!! Jews are behind EVERYTHING! WTFU! This video starts off explaining some really important information about how powerful the Rothschild family is, and goes into historical details behind the rise of power by the "ASHKENZI" aka "KHAZARIAN" so called "JEWS." It explains how they were behind the NEOCONS and 9/11. It EXPOSES the JEWS for their connection TO BAAL, and BABYLONIAN MONEY MAGICK, and how they OWN the World's wealth. How they were behind the HOLOMODOR in Soviet Union and MURDERED 66 Million people - making the bullshit story about the Holocaust PALE in comparison. This movie is CHOCK FULL of information you need to KNOW! From the Crazy Fuckin Machinations of Rabbis, the Nutjob shit in the Talmud, to the Wacky VERY REAL shit that's gone on because of the PROTOCOLS and the very essence of the JEWISH PLAN: To KILL the WHITE RACE and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! Running Time: 2Hrs 56Mins. Created by JAMES EASTON - Released Jan 24th 2025

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