Miss Drop 44 - #11 - reaction #11 :\ + :( two videos in one bonus edition re-enacting living history

1 month ago

A very relaxed 'promenaders/reenactors' event in Czech Republic. Nothing authentic, just a jolly time playing dress up.

Two guys dressed as farbs who claim to be doing impressions of real soldiers talk some nonsense to the public. It's actually not strictly that bad, but you'll get my point. Some parts are OK, with some waffle and some nonsense thrown in too for good measure.

You can always see more info on Miss Drop 44 and other 101st related content at www.missdrop44.co.uk

Moving from Youtube to Rumble after Youtube have been shutting down accounts at a rate of knots and that's simple not right in my books. They give no reasons and just shut them down.

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