How to Respond to Prophets' Mistakes | Part 2: Revelation (Patrick Mason & Terryl Givens)

1 month ago

It has become increasingly common (especially among academics) to subtly revise D&C 21:5 to mean that we should be patient "with" the living prophet. In our first video, we responded to this argument based on the plain reading of the verses, examining related verses and words of prophets. In this video, we respond to the related claims that revelation is "fuzzy" or that revelation is only "occasional".

00:00 Introduction
01:32 Revelation "fuzzy"?
04:05 Revelation "fuzzy"? - Joseph Smith
07:05 Story Time
08:34 Revelation "occasional"?
10:14 Revelation "occasional"? - Joseph Smith
11:47 Revelation "occasional"? - Other Prophets
14:47 "patience and faith"
15:53 Conclusion & Bloopers

Patrick Mason, "Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt" (2015), Maxwell Institute
Publications (

Steven C. Harper, "That They Might Come to Understanding": Revelation as Process (

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