SORE LOWER BACK? 😧 Here's How You SHOULD Stretch (PAIN RELIEF in 4 Moves!)

10 days ago

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Keeping your lower back healthy MUST be a priority of yours. Here's How to You SHOULD Be Stretching to get rid of that annoying lower back pain. Doing these exercises will help keep your back STRONG & HEALTHY.*


Are you dealing a tight or sore lower back? Or do you suffer from LOWER BACK PAIN all the time? It is a very common problem among adults all over the globe. But it's not always weak abs or poor 'core strength' that causes a back pain. Sometimes it has more to do with having tight muscles.

Regardless of where it's coming from, you need relief and you need it fast!

Here's How to You SHOULD Be Stretching to help loosen up your lower back and to keep it healthy. You can start using right away to combat lower back pain or tightness.

We sit too much in today's world. Even the most active of us may find ourselves at a desk for hours at a time and we get stiff and our lower back gets hit hard. This sitting causes all kinds of issues from poor posture, to poor circulation and tightness in muscles all over the body.

Listen close to Functional Movement Specialist Coach Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS and use these lower back stretching exercises to help fix your sore lower back. This stretching routine will help unravel those tight hips and lower back. In just minutes per day you can start to positively impact the center of your body where most people get very tight and weak.

Your lower back is the focal point for most movements in the body. Lower body and upper body movements can positively or negatively affect this region of the body.

Here's How to You SHOULD Be Stretching that SORE LOWER BACK for immediate pain relief:

1) Double Knee Hug
2) Single Knee Hug
3) Windshield Wipers
4) Half Kneel Torso Twist

Of course, seek professional medical attention if you have a chronic issue or a severe injury. These exercises are intended to help most people but in some more severe cases, proper medical attention may be required.

Thanks so much for watching, please leave us some feedback and comments. Was this video helpful, did you try these exercises over a period of time and get results? Please post below.

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