They have been keeping this from you

1 month ago

This is the underground city that was found beneath Los Angeles by a man named Warren Shufelt. It was discovered using a device he invented to detect underground tunnels and caverns.

Shufelt mapped out a network of passageways stretching for miles beneath the city and here is where it gets crazy. His maps indicated a central chamber filled with gold and advanced artifacts. Schufelt said that upon analysis of the artifacts and the scriptures found within the passageways they all pointed to a lost continent named Lemuria.

Despite his groundbreaking findings city officials abruptly shut down his excavation. They officially claimed that the tunnels were old subway lines. But this is where they messed up.

The Los Angeles subway system didn't begin operation until 1990, over 70 years after Shufelt's discovery. So what subway lines were they referring to? Some speculate that they were referring to an ancient civilization that had access to a subway-like system.

Some have even gone further to say that the city officials had knowledge from the future. They knew that Los Angeles would eventually have a running subway system in the years to come, therefore it would be the perfect cover-up, perfectly concealing its true origins.

The DEEPER we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes!

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