Sasse Uses MSNBC To Trash Trump — WH Is A Reality Show, Soap Opera Presidency

6 years ago

In a Meet the Press appearance Sunday, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) told NBC’s Chuck Todd he was fed up with the commotion.

“I don’t have any desire to beat the president up, but it’s pretty clear that this White House is a reality show, soap opera presidency,” he said, adding that “the drama of Omarosa and the drama of Cohen and the drama of Manafort and the drama of the Woodward quotes and the drama of these op-eds” was over-the-top.

Days ago, reports emerged on Bob Woodward‘s forthcoming book, Fear, in which certain high-level officials including Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis have become frustrated with what they feel is the president’s evident incompetence. As soon as the White House entered damage control over Woodward’s scoop, it was hit with the anonymously written New York Times op-ed describing a resistance effort within the administration itself.

Sasse said the solution for Trump would be his much needed focus on “the long-term of vision casting for America” rather than “the short-term of staffing.”

“Pull us together as a people,” Sasse demanded. “Help us deliberate about where we should go and then build a team of great, big-cause, low-ego people around you. Right now it feels like there’s just way too much drama every day and that distracts us from the longer term stuff we should be focused on together.”

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