Envision The Future Of Natural Health In Cancer Care with Dr. Rob Verkerk, BSc | Episode 12

1 month ago

Join us in this enlightening episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show where we welcome Dr. Robert Verkerk.

Dr. Verkerk discusses his 20-year battle against regulatory restrictions on natural health products in Europe and the ongoing challenges faced in the U.S. He highlights the importance of preserving our healthcare freedoms, the role of public trust, and the move towards integrative medicine. Learn about the critical issues impacting science, cancer care, and the limitations on free speech related to natural health solutions.

1:05 - Honoring Dr. Verkerk’s Contributions
3:03 - The Fight for Natural Health Freedom
6:03 - European Commission’s Directive on Vitamins and Minerals
11:00 - Censorship and Free Speech in Natural Health
14:53 - Recap of The 2023 Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference in Jacksonville, Florida
15:39 - The Role of Alliance for Natural Health (ANH)
16:35 - Follow the science
18:18 - The Corporatization of Science
21:02 - Integrative Cancer Care
26:23 - Call to Action: Supporting Natural Health and Integrative Medicine
29:00 - The importance of supporting organizations like Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) in the fight for natural health freedom

Stay connected with Dr. Robert Verkerk, PhD:
🌐 Alliance for Natural Health USA: https://anh-usa.org/
🌐 Alliance for Natural Health International: https://www.anhinternational.org/

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