1 Peter Chapter 2 Verse by Verse Exposition and Application

11 days ago

First Peter 2 emphasizes the believer's call to holy living as a chosen people and spiritual house. In verses 1-3, Peter calls Christians to put away sin and crave the Word of God for spiritual growth. Verses 4-8 describe Jesus as the cornerstone, rejected by men but chosen by God, and believers as living stones built into a spiritual house. In verses 9-10, Christians are declared a royal priesthood and God's possession, called to proclaim His excellence. Verses 11-12 urge believers to abstain from sinful desires and live honorably among unbelievers, glorifying God through their actions.

Peter transitions to practical application in verses 13-17, instructing Christians to submit to human authorities for the Lord's sake, as doing good silences ignorance. In verses 18-20, servants are called to endure suffering unjustly, reflecting Christ's example. Finally, verses 21-25 highlight Jesus’ sacrifice, bearing sins on the cross, and shepherding believers, who were once straying but have now returned to Him.

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