Save Your Knees with this Low Impact Suspension Strap Workout ✅ Trainer APPROVED

1 day ago

Are you frustrated with working out because of the pain you feel in your knees? Coach Becky has great news. She shares with you how you can save your knees by using suspension trainers. The suspension trainer is ideal for taking weight/stress off your knees.

Grab your set of Suspension Straps today! GREAT VALUE

If you have never considered suspension training, then you really need to! SUSPENSION STRAP training does not have to be done in a gym and is an excellent way to get your entire body primed and ready for a killer workout!

Suspension Strap Benefits:
*Improved Core Strength
*Ability To Exercise Anywhere
*Increased Balance and Agility
*Low Impact
*Exercises can easily be modified for many different levels

Low Impact Total Body Workout: Perform 3 sets 0f 10-15 reps each
Single Leg Squat
Side to Side Lunge
Split Lunge

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