Liberty Conspiracy Short: Immigration Crackdowns, Federalism, and Welfarism

10 days ago

Welcome! Join us, M-F at 6 PM on Rumble, Rokfin, and Gardner's X @gardgoldsmith - In this segment, we offer breaking news on immigration crackdowns as a way to dig into the constitutional problems posed by federal agents moving into states to police the unconstitutional federal "immigration laws" - Not only does the word "immigration" not appear in the US Constitution, the Constitution only allows federal troops (it's supposed to be the Militia, not ICE, not a "National Guard") to enter a state if the legislature or governor of that state asks them to enter (see Article Four, Section Four) - with that as background, let's dig in, and please feel free to tell us your thoughts! Join us, M-F and visit the Gardner Goldsmith Substack for more news and libertarian scholarship! Be Seeing You!

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